Emma Philine’s ‘HURRICANE’ is a Deep Dive into the Artist’s Journey Through Inner Turmoil and Resilience

Emma Philine’s latest track “HURRICANE” hits you like a tidal wave. It’s intense, raw, and incredibly powerful, diving deep into her struggles with depression and the dark corners of her mind. She describes it as standing on the shore, watching an unstoppable wave approach, symbolizing her inner turmoil but also the hope for brighter days.

Philine’s journey to creating “HURRICANE” was nothing short of remarkable. In late 2022, she decided to scrap an entire tracklist and start anew. This bold move led her to collaborate with brilliant talents like Heather, Dennis Behrendt, Novalu, and Enyang. Their combined efforts injected fresh energy into the project, resulting in a collection of tracks that are deeply personal and electrifying.

The artwork for “HURRICANE” is just as compelling as the music. Dennis Behrendt’s design, captured through the lens of Anna Luisa Richter and brought to life by Paul Radtke, visually represents the inner storm Philine describes. It continues the story from her previous EP, showcasing the turbulent waters of her emotions.

Emma Philine draws inspiration from films like “Black Swan,” “Gone Girl,” and “Fight Club,” portraying broken and complex characters in her music. She’s a fan of strong, angry women in art—the villains, femme fatales, and so-called ‘hysterical’ women. These figures resonate deeply with the themes of her EP, making “HURRICANE” a powerful exploration of darkness and resilience.




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