NEOTEK: A Journey through Cyberpunk Bass

NEOTEK’s latest tracks are pure fire. “COFFINS,” his bass-heavy collaboration with VRG, hits hard, leaving listeners in awe of its intense energy. “Virtualise,” just out on Create Music Group, takes it up a notch with its futuristic vibes, transporting fans to a cyberpunk universe. Each beat is meticulously crafted, making it impossible not to get lost in the rhythm.

Behind the decks, NEOTEK is a powerhouse from Australia. With a deep love for cyberpunk and synth-wave, he channels this passion into every performance. His journey is one of relentless dedication, playing at iconic venues and festivals like Red Rocks, EDC, Okeechobee, and Lost Lands. These experiences shape his unique sound and has him set to continue to rise.

NEOTEK’s impact is undeniable. Garnering over four million streams on Spotify, his tracks have topped charts and featured on major platforms like BBC Radio 1 and Triple J. His collaborations with Ruvlo, Hydraulix, and Sippy only scratches the surface. Whether it’s his hit “Sweater Weather” or his teaching sessions, NEOTEK is a force to be reckoned with in the bass scene.




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